Wilderness Directions Trips

When you

  • have a love for nature
  • want clarity, direction, and healing
  • can commit to 1-7 days in the wilderness
  • want support on current life issues and struggles

Earth-Based Institute (EBI) Wilderness Directions is a guided personalized wilderness experience for one or two people, a family, or a small group. The entire experience, from location to duration (typically 1-7 days) is customized to individual needs and focused on personal growth. Previous wilderness experience is not required.

A Personalized Wilderness Growth Experience

This intensive experience provides clarity and direction for those seeking life or career changes. It can be used to enhance and support current growth, or serve as a singular life-changing experience. Wilderness Directions is an effective tool for self-reflection, metaphor, and healing. The wilderness experience is often used in support of other therapies.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” 

—Albert Einstein

What to expect from EBI Wilderness Directions

  • a safe, thoughtful, and dynamic approach
  • pre- and post-experience support
  • integration of Gestalt psychology, life coaching and wilderness guiding
  • basic wilderness skills (if appropriate)

For more information about creating a personalized wilderness experience:

The Earth-Based Institute Wilderness Quest is an 8-10 day, small-group wilderness experience culminating in a rite-of-passage ceremony.

Turn Your Passion for Nature & Helping Others into a Career

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