This event is for registered Nature-Connected Coaching students. If you are a current student, please be sure to log into the Learning Center to RSVP.
Brain and Change 1 – Overview –
This is the first of three modules that explore the process of change. Each module blends together essential tools and information about Interpersonal Neuroscience, change theory, and eco-psychological practices that support the intentions and motivations of the nature-connected coach. The information provided will greatly enhance your ability to listen, establish trust, create awareness, and guide learning. It will also deepen your understanding of what change is and what it means. This will help you avoid getting stuck in the “fix it” trap by meeting your client right where he or she is in self awareness and formulating questions that encourage appropriate and effective steps towards growth. When we as coaches can grasp how change occurs in the brain and how Nature supports that change for the greater good of the individual, the depth behind our questions and the choices we make in sessions are on a deeper level. These modules will develop your “x – ray” vision as a coach, providing you with the ability to better understand what is happening in the brain as your client engages with the coaching process and with Nature. This first module is focused on setting the foundation for a much greater discussion about nature’s effect on our nervous system and how to collaborate with nature to support transformation. Here we will focus on the definition of the mind, understanding basic brain anatomy and processes that are useful for our work, how mind and brain come together, prochaska Stages of Change, and how the mind directs transformation through story, myth and ritual.
Guiding through Trauma Overview
In a coaching session it is not uncommon for a client to re – live a painful memory, face a painful truth or belief about themselves, or express strong emotions. The extreme side of this is often related to trauma. Understanding what trauma is, how to identify it, and how to “ground, sequence, and come back to the present moment,” so you can maintain your coaching goals, is essential to the nature-connected coaching process. This valuable set of coaching skills is rooted in neuroscience and body-centered therapy. While it is not a part of the coaching relationship to provide trauma therapy, this module will help you identify deeper issues that might ethically require the support of a therapist. Ultimately, these skills allow the nature-connected coach to become more present with clients in the moment, rather than shying away.
Location: TBD