Toolbox Module: The Brain and Change Part 2 and Guiding through Grief Intensive

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Brain and Change 2 - Overview - When we as coaches can grasp how change occurs in the brain and how Nature supports that change for the greater good of the individual, the depth behind our questions and the choices we make in sessions are on a deeper level. These modules will develop your “x […]

Nature Connected Coaching Foundations Online

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These two, 4 Day Online Intensives (February 3-6 and March 31-April 3) are the very beginning of a deep and immersive journey into becoming a Nature-Connected Coach. Here students will learn the following: To root deeply into connection with nature using a fined tuned set of awareness techniques. Learn and practice transformational guiding and coaching […]

Join us this month for EBI Live with Eric Holsapple

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This Session Starts in: Join the EBI Live Community and enjoy full access!Thank you for registering for the next EBI Live session.  Upon registration, you will be emailed limited access to the online classroom and to our archive of recorded sessions.  You will be sent the link to participate in the live session and will […]

Toolbox Module: Gestalt and Partswork


Gestalt - Overview - The core principles of Gestalt Therapy offer Nature-Connected Coaches a powerful set of tools for enhancing coaching awareness, listening, presence, and questioning skills. Principles such as boundary defenses, contact, and presence strengthen your listening skills, helping you to see more clearly beneath the surface in a way that can establish a […]

Wilderness Quest Guide Pathway

The Wilderness Quest Guide pathway through the TWG certification program is for those who feel called to guide others towards personal or professional transformation through the rite of passage of the wilderness quest. This is for folks who have already participated in a Wilderness Quest Ceremony such as a Vision Quest, Healing Quest, Prophecy Quest, etc. […]

Wilderness Retreat Facilitation Pathway

This path is for those interested in hosting and facilitating wilderness retreats for individuals and groups. This training offers instruction and hands-on experience with the preparation and planning required to successfully support a group in the wilderness. It will also include direct mentorship in designing your own wilderness retreat, including support around your unique vision […]

Join us this month for EBI Live with Hannah Tirrell-Wysocki: The Sacred Pause

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The Sacred Pause As coaches, guides, and humans walking the Earth, the power of “the pause” shows up across the spectrum of life. What wisdom does the pause have to teach us? Take a moment now to take a pause, look away from your screen, take a breath, notice your body. And consider joining us […]

Toolbox Module: LongTerm Coaching and Advanced Partswork


Long Term Coaching - Overview - This module looks closely at long-term coaching and supporting a client through a change/growth process that may take 8-months to a year, or longer. Building off the coaching format we established in the Foundation Modules, you will learn how to hold a long-term perspective with your client that maintains […]

Nature Connected Coaching Foundations Intensive


This 9 day Intensive is the very beginning of a deep and immersive journey into becoming a Nature-Connected Coach. Here students will learn the following: To root deeply into connection with nature using a fined tuned set of awareness techniques. Learn and practice transformational guiding and coaching competencies (Including those stated by the International Coach […]

Toolbox Module: Brain and Change 1 and Guiding through Trauma Intensive


This event is for registered Nature-Connected Coaching students. If you are a current student, please be sure to log into the Learning Center to RSVP. Brain and Change 1  - Overview  -  This is the first of three modules that explore the process of change. Each module blends together essential tools and information about Interpersonal […]

Wilderness Quest – Summer 2022

Ward, CO Ward, Colorado

What is a Wilderness Quest? The Wilderness Quest is an epic journey like no other!  A true wilderness immersion and a transformational ceremony that reaches deep into everyone’s ancestry and connection to nature. There is no one way or one reason to quest, only a calling and yearning to connect to something far greater than […]

Join us this month for EBI Live with Michael Jospe: Partswork

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Partswork: Partswork is an intuitive and effective method for organizing our internal world. The Partswork that we offer at EBI is different from the other models that are out there. This introduction will get you started and open the window to this transformative process. This Session Starts in: Join the EBI Live Community and enjoy […]

Join us this month for EBI Live with Dr. Shaun Riddle – Health Coaching

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This Session Starts in: Join the EBI Live Community and enjoy full access!Thank you for registering for the next EBI Live session.  Upon registration, you will be emailed limited access to the online classroom and to our archive of recorded sessions.  You will be sent the link to participate in the live session and will […]

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