Is Coaching A Viable Career?

 In Life Coach

executive life coaching - school trainingIS COACHING A VIABLE CAREER?

“Can I earn a living as a coach?” “Is coaching a viable career?” I frequently get asked a variation of this question by people who are considering this path. They want reassurance that the money they are contemplating investing in additional education and the launch of a private practice is the right way to go and fits who they are.

Driving force

“What’s your definition of success?” I usually ask. “Does it have to do with money? Is it wanting to have an impact? Is it your passion?” Truth be told, it’s probably all three. But which is the driving force?

ICF Study

For many, coaching represents a career change and a decision to make a living at it. The International Coach Federation recently completed a global study on the current growth and direction of the coaching profession. The ICF global study found that coaches in North America earn on average $62,000 a year. Why not take a few moments to read the executive summary and see if you feel that Professional Coaching will meet your needs?

Professional Coaching is applicable to many forms of coaching, including life coaching, executive coaching, wellness coaching, and business coaching. While EBI focuses on life coaching, we actually train our students to be Professional Coaches. As long as you are working within the ethical boundaries of Professional Coaching and applying the core competencies, you have access to an even broader spectrum of populations and areas.

Think outside the box

As a coach you’re not confined to a particular field or specialty. On the contrary, you’re invited to think outside the box, to become a thought leader, to participate in growing the field to greater potential.

While landing a job as an in-house organizational coach is certainly a possibility, I encourage you to think bigger in terms of your career. Make no bones about it, establishing yourself as a coach will take time and lots of elbow grease. The outcome can be quite lucrative, especially if you are creative at identifying your target market.  A creative approach is one of the many things we help you with at Earth-Based Institute.

The hourly fee for life coaching is comparable to that of psychotherapy. If in addition, you have a skill set that could be applied to the corporate world – executives, business development, leadership, management, for example – your hourly rate and contractual agreements would be commensurate with that market.

Nature-connected coaching is a unique approach that can be applied to any population you wish to target.

Not an overnight affair

Success will most likely not fall right in your lap immediately upon graduation of any coach training program. I wish I could offer you that guarantee. Unless you’ve already got a clientele, it’s more realistic to expect to have to adjust your thinking, to be creative, and to stay committed. Building a business has never been an overnight affair.

The business mentoring EBI offers its current students is designed to help minimize the work and risk for those who are truly committed and motivated to start a coaching practice.

While official mentoring begins on Day One, unofficially it starts as soon as you register. We meet you wherever you find yourself in the process and help you make choices and set goals that have the most potential for a successful outcome. We help you create a vision of the path forward. It’s then up to you to do the work.

So to get back to the original question, yes coaching is a viable career. Just don’t approach it as you would a standard career path such as doctor or lawyer.

“Am I willing to take the risk and put in the hours that will make my soul calling viable?” That is the question you need to ask yourself. If that inner voice is calling to you, trust it, follow your path, and transform your calling into a reality.

If you are looking to become a professional coach, why not sign up for our Get Started with Nature Connection course?

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