This 4-part series will walk you through the important quest preparation steps to help you determine if questing is the right next step for you.

What is a Wilderness Quest

The wilderness is a highly effective medium for self-discovery, rites of passage, and spiritual renewal. Its rhythms, beauty, and harsh realities act as perfect mirrors that reflect deep truths about who we are as individuals. 


By marking transitions such as, career change, relationship change, and overall “inertia,” we are empowered to seek direction, purpose, and commitment to our higher callings.

On all of our quests, participants are supported in developing a strong, clear intention through, pre-trip coaching, nature awareness, contemplative exercises, group council, ceremony and ritual, and reflective inquiry.

This 10-day wilderness experience includes a four-day solo fasting ceremony or wilderness rite of passage ceremony focused on your specific intention.


You will gain practical and effective tools for returning home and be supported by post-trip calls with the quest group, to help successfully incorporate growth into your day-to-day life.

What You can expect from an EBI Wilderness Quest

  • Ceremony and ritual
  • Information on how to prepare for, participate in, and integrate a Wilderness Quest
  • Community and Friendship
  • A supportive environment for your process
  • Deeper connection to nature
  • A greater sense of self
  • Tools for living the new version of yourself that you have become during quest

Program Outline

Once you apply and subsequently register for quest, you’ll be invited to write an intention letter for your quest: Why are you questing? How will you use the time? What will your focus be?


This letter will be submitted to your guide for review and discussion. The remaining flow of the program is as follows:


  • Suggested reading to better understand quest and to hone your intention for questing
  • One pre-trip call to talk about logistics and ask questions
  • 10 day quest trip (includes a 4-day solo)
  • 3 post-trip integration calls with the group

10-Day Quest Trip Snapshot

Quest is a 10-day wilderness ceremony that begins with your travel day to the basecamp location. The group will convene at basecamp and orient to the land, connect with Nature and begin learning more about what is to come.


We will provide ample space for learning, questions, discussion and time with the land to deepen into your experience. Here is a breakdown of how the 10 days are structured.

Days 1-3
  • Together as a group in the basecamp area
    • Meet and greet with the staff and quest group
    • Logistics around basecamp
    • Continue to work on clarifying your intention for your quest
    • How to erect tarp shelters during solo days
    • What to do during quest solo (ceremonies, rituals, tools)
    • Finding your solo site
    • Discussion on fasting
    • Discussion on safety


Days 4-7
  • 4-day/4 night solo in your quest location
Days 8-10
  • Back together as a group in the basecamp area
    • Breaking the fast from food
    • Story sharing of your quest experience
    • Mirroring of your story by your guide
    • Incorporation work (how to take your experience home)

Logistical Details


Summer: Gunnison, Colorado in the Gunnison National Forest (10,500ft of elevation)

Fall: Ward, Colorado in the front range (~9,000ft of elevation)

Travel and Lodging

We recommend that you arrive in the general area the day before the quest begins, unless you are “local”. You are responsible for any travel associated with getting yourself to and from the quest location. There may be opportunities to carpool or share expenses with other questers. We’ll set up a discussion forum for you to connect with each other.

Meals During Basecamp Days

We provide breakfast and dinner on the days we are together as a group on the land in basecamp. Our chefs take any of your food allergies and preferences into account when creating a menu and put a high level of care in preparing your meals. When you break your fast on the morning you return from your solo, our staff brings you back into eating slowly and methodically with foods that will best support your return.
You will be responsible for bringing food for your lunches on those days and for solo days if you choose not to fast. More details available upon registration.

Tuition and Financing

*Summer Quest is now closed*


Your Guides

Hannah Tirrell-Wysocki
David Fontaine

Are you ready to Quest?

If you already know you’re ready for Quest, we are currently accepting applications! Early registration discount for Fall Quest is now open.
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