What is Nature-Connected Coaching?
by The EBI Team

The Earth-Based Institute offers an in-person or online, year-long professional training in Nature-Connected Coaching. Upon first hearing “Nature-Connected Coaching”, many of us notice a surge of curiosity without really knowing what it is or what it offers.
What sets Nature-Connected Coaching (NCC) apart from other forms of coaching, is the collaboration with the natural environment around us. When we collaborate with our direct environment, the environment becomes a part of the process.
NCC is an approach that blends together Professional Life Coaching and Transformational Guide skills. Nature is seen as a co-guide rather than just an area we move through. As a coach, shifting to this perspective is a subtle choice, but the results are transformative.
Professional Coaching aims to support client-centered goals, inspiring the client’s commitment to growth through a specific set of competencies. Transformational Guiding aims to anchor these goals through self-discovery, approaching the client’s process of change in a manner similar to soul-directed rites of passage.
NCC can be applied to any population that we are interested in working with. Based on our professional goals and the goals of the demographic we tend to work with, we each define NCC in unique ways. Here are some descriptions from our graduates.
“NCC is a collaboration between client, coach and the natural world- in service of transformation. Drawing from modern brain science, ancient pan-cultural wisdom, and the innate knowledge within us all, Nature-Connected Coaching facilitates tangible day-to-day results rooted in powerful new ways of being”. -Hannah
“Nature Connected Coaching is the art of guiding clients through their internal wilderness of their greatest dreams, goals, and vision through experiencing the external wilderness, so they may gain greater intuition and discernment from the Wisdom of Nature.” -Daniel
“NCC is our most innate way of reconnecting with our best and highest self in service to Purpose and the wellbeing of the Whole. Through the process of deep listening to Nature’s Wisdom and our own internal Wisdom, we gain clarity and insight while we align with purpose as we glean our next steps forward in our process of transformation. As Nature-Connected Coaches, we collaborate with Nature as we guide our clients toward their passions and co-create their new way of being.” -Maria
“Nature Connected Coaching is partnering with clients and co-creating with nature, entering into connection with surroundings, self, and source- the mystery that holds all together in oneness- to bring transformation, growth and discovery into being.” – Sheri

NCC is a transformative journey of self-discovery. This process offers us the opportunity to develop a practice of seeking nature for answers to the questions arising within us, using the wisdom nature provides as direction.
It’s imperative that we allow the training to be our own personal growth experience. It’s important we become aware of our own internal landscapes. In doing so, we blossom into the space-holders it is necessary for us to become in order to fully provide our clients a safe container.
Nature being the most essential and effective container, helps us to uncover our internal state of being. We discover how to lead with presence, compassion, and intention, fully understanding the process of walking with our clients through their own, personal internal wilderness. We can offer our clients the learning opportunity of relying on themselves for their own development, which is the ultimate goal of a nature-connected coach and guide. Just like we find self-empowerment through this process, we can support our clients in their development of self-sufficiency and confidence. Clients are then able to find resolution to their predicaments and in natural order, find themselves empowered and self-reliant.
Are you wondering what the coursework is like?
Upon entry of the NCC training program, students can expect to get oriented with what’s to come in the next year. Feeling prepared, new students move into the “Foundations” portion of the program (7-9 days in length*) where diverse nature awareness and nature connection skills are practiced. Upon completion of Foundations, progression into “Toolbox” takes place. Toolbox students meet for four intensives (5 days in length*), exploring topics like Gestalt therapy, Change theory, Neuroscience, Long-Term Coaching, Trauma Informed Coaching, Partswork, and Grief and Loss. If you are in the market for superclone , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!
With online assignments completed, graduates walk away with a certification approved by the International Coaching Federation (allowing for eligibility of professional credentialing**), but with a legitimate set of coaching tools useful for wilderness guiding, career development, executive and business coaching, relationship coaching, and everyday life for the remainder of their lives.
Students and graduates find themselves involved in a community and a council that continues to nourish, support, and provide for them long after the training ends. NCC will improve leadership skills in every participant and change the perception of human interaction and development.
Connect, deepen, explore, and nurture yourself and others through the Nature-Connected Coaching program offered only at The Earth-Based Institute.
*Understanding differing needs for online students, online Intensives follow a different schedule, providing a more comfortable learning experience.
**ICF Accreditation meets all requirements for ACC, PCC, and MCC training hours.