ICF Certification = Professional Coach

  • standards
  • ethics
  • training
  • skills

Earth-Based Institute (EBI) Nature-Connected Coaching℠ is a training program approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the world’s largest membership organization for professional coaches.

The Wilderness Quest is an ancient ritual found in nearly every culture. The rhythms, beauty, and harsh realities of the wilderness act as mirrors—reflecting deep truths about who we are. A critical aspect to the Quest is an awakening—The Call to Adventure—often an external or internal event that spurs an individual to action.

As response to that call, the Wilderness Quest can be a catalyst for great change—the perfect to answer meeting the challenges of major life transitions, such as:

  • graduation
  • loss
  • changes in career or retirement
  • relationship changes
  • financial or health crises
  • relocation
  • depression or trauma

What is ICF and why is it important?

ICF is an independent certification body that offers credentials for programs that train professional coaches. Earth-based Institute training programs meet the high standards and guidelines set by ICF. Our programs have undergone a rigorous review process and demonstrated that our curricula align with the ICF:

Once you have successfully completed training for Nature Connected Coaching℠ (NCC) through EBI’s approved program, you are eligible to apply for the ICF credential. The ICF credential adds credibility to EBI certification, but is not required.

EBI’s NCC program is approved by ICF for more than 315 hours. Successful completion of the program means you qualify to become an ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC)—the highest level of credential available for personal coaches.

Turn Your Passion for Nature & Helping Others into a Career

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life coach certification program

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