Nature Connected Coaching

Professional training for nature-connected life coaching

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

Earth-based Institute (EBI) offers two levels of certified coaching. Nature-Connected Coach (NCC) is the core program. Transformational Wilderness Guiding  is a second level of certification.

The low-residency NCC course takes 12-24 months to complete. The program includes online coursework (four Foundation Modules and eight Toolbox Modules), as well as five face-to-face intensives.

Foundation Modules

• Immersion, Relationship & Connection
• Creating the Nature-Connected Coaching℠ Container
• Crossing the Threshold: The Unknown and Deep Listening
• Creating Awareness and Facilitating Integration

Toolbox Modules

• Using Gestalt Therapy Gestalt Therapy is experiential therapy that focuses on an individual's present moment experience principles in Nature-Connected Coaching℠
PartsWork PartsWork is a gestalt-based tool for self-awareness, self-acceptance, integration, and forward thinking
• Brain and Change
• Brain and Change #2
• Long-term Coaching and Change Models
• Partswork 2
• Working with Trauma and Strong Emotions
• Working with Grief and Loss

Certification and College Credit

This program is approved by the International Coach Federation and satisfies the training requirements for the highest level of credentials: Master Certified Coach (MCC). College credit is also available.

Turn Your Passion for Nature & Helping Others into a Career

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life coach certification program

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