Personalized Coaching Services

For individual, family, and personal growth

Earth-Based Institute (EBI) offers thought-provoking, creative, personalized ways for you to connect to nature and find clarity. Open to everyone, these experiences are tailored to your specific needs in one-on-one or small group settings.

Wilderness Trips

The transformational power of being in physical contact with nature is key to personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual renewal.

EBI offers Wilderness Directions, our customized nature trips—these wilderness experiences are designed for one or two individuals lead by an EBI-certified Nature-Connected Coach (1-7 days, personalized to your needs)

Professional Life Coaching

Earth-Based Institute coaching can improve your life—supporting you through challenging circumstances and major transitions.

We offer two kinds of professional life coaching:

  • Life Coaching for individuals in transition
  • Parent and Family Coaching for families struggling to stay connected through challenging times

Intensive Business Mentoring

EBI is committed to helping you a grow your profitable nature-connected business. In addition to the career development modules built into our Nature-Connected Coaching℠ certification program, EBI now offers three levels of affordable, individualized business coaching:

  • 3-month business launcher
  • 4-month business launcher
  • 6-month business launcher

You have vision and passion; we will help you make confident decisions and set achievable goals to put you on the path to success. 

Contact Us

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